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About RECEPTIO Academic Press Ltd

Since September 2017, Theory and Criticism of Literature and Arts (under the acronym of TCLA) has been published by THECLA Academic Press, an international, London-based, Publishing House. In 2020, the publisher changed its name and became RECEPTIO Academic Press Ltd (Company Number 12765391), turning digital.  This means that all our publications from now on will be accessible in e-book and print on demand version. The new Company Registration Number (CRN) is 14567849.

Administrative departments:


20-22, Wenlock Road,

Islington, London, N1 7GU

United Kingdom


Operational headquarters:

Centro di ricerca RECEPTIO 

Via Rolino 13,

CH- 6963 Lugano

Tel +41912349715

It is widely accepted that Peer Review is the most valid form of research evaluation. We use a rigorous double-blind peer-review system. We welcome proposals or completed manuscripts between 30,000 words and 150,000 words in length that fall into one of the following categories:

New Essays

Individually or jointly authored books on literary and theoretical criticism.


Critical Editions

Critical editions of Italian, Old-French and Latin Classics, along with an apparatus, substantial introductory matter, explanatory, and textual notes.

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